Andrew and the Bitey Bubbles

Hay Mander Imbits,

Andrew here. Me finded me bubbles on a day called Caturday. Me posteded on da forum all about it. Me sad cause me meowmy say me no brave. Me meowmy did do her say, Me had bubble bite me and hurted lots. It biteded me on me face. Me meowmy was bad. Her useded me favorite ding to get me where heer wanted me. I show up her bows bubbles and it bites me and I runs fast. I pilled me fudz all over floor. While meowme cleaning me crash site me go back to get me kitty nip. Me getz bite again and me running fast. Her layf at me. Called me chicken. ME IZ CAT NOT CHICKEN. ME NO FEDERS. Me watch me dum big bruter rolling on bubbles. Him didn’t kill all da shooters so me meowmy had to kill the rest. Her tell me her going to tell you me chicken but her yiying me was not stay when biting fings around. Me meowmy say her do bubbles den me come in and see if me kill dem. So if me meowmy tells you me chicken don’t beyeve her kay.


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