I, Rosie, will not be ready for launch for a while

Dear Commander Timbit,

I will need to wait a while longer for our flight to the moon because Meowey had
her hip surgery on August 27 but she didn’t get to come home. My furless sister
Cindy said she had to go to a rehab hospital to get her new hip working right. I am so sad
and lonely because I want my Meowey to come home so I can give her lots of cuddles
to make her feel all better. Cindy is taking good care of us but I miss my Meowey I love her so much and she loves me. When she gets home and she is feeling better I still want to go to the moon, so wait for me before you launch.


(Dear Rosie, We so so so sorry your meowey is gone away for a while and needs some extra time away, but we glad your furless sister is taking care of you so you can be ready with lots of energy to take care of hers when she comes home.  We waits for you – we still have a lot to do to prepare.  Big luvs from all of us – don’t be lonely, we all hug you!)

To read more about Rosie, check out her bio




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